Apply to Register
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please do not post any documentation to the office. Please email all documentation to
Please note that we cannot accept documents sent from any file sharing/file storage services (e.g. Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.) and incoming emails to CORU have a size limit of 15mb per email.
If you received your qualifications outside the Republic of Ireland, you will need to apply for recognition of your qualifications before applying for registration. Please see recognition application details here.
If you are a member of one of the following professions, you can now apply to CORU for Registration.
- Dietitians (compulsory)
- Medical Scientists (compulsory)
- Occupational Therapists (compulsory)
- Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians (compulsory)
- Physiotherapists and Physical Therapists (compulsory)
- Podiatrists (compulsory)
- Radiographers and Radiation Therapists (compulsory)
- Social Workers (compulsory)
- Speech and Language Therapists (compulsory)
- Social Care Worker
In order to register, CORU advises applicants to:
- Apply for recognition of your International Qualifications hereif relevant
- Determine what type of applicant you are (Section 91 or Section 38)
- Consult the Guidance Notes (Section 91 or Section 38)
- Follow the three steps to your online application
- Apply Online *(If you wish to register as a social care worker click here)