
Registering with CORU as a Social Care Worker

Regulation recognises the critical role this profession plays in society and will enhance the public’s confidence in the social care work profession. 

On 30 November 2023, the register opened for social care workers in Ireland in preparation for the title “Social Care Worker” becoming protected from 1 December 2025. This will mean that only those who are on the Social Care Workers Registration Board’s register will be permitted to use the title from this date forward. The establishment of a statutory register for this profession by CORU, Ireland’s multi-profession health and social care regulator, marks the 12th profession to be regulated under its statutory remit. Regulation aims to protect the public by promoting high standards of professional conduct, education, training and competence of the designated profession.

Benefits of Joining a Regulated Profession 

Professionals who join our register have demonstrated their commitment to provide the high standard of care expected of their profession and their commitment to the protection of service users. They undertake continuous learning and development and adhere to codes of professional conduct and ethics. Some of the key benefits of CORU registration include:

  • You can legally use the title “Social Care Worker”.
  • You will be supported in your work through a code of professional conduct and ethics which is developed in consultation with the professions.
  • You can demonstrate you have the knowledge, skills, and expertise to safely practice as a social care worker in Ireland.
  • The reputation of the profession will be protected via CORU’s formal disciplinary procedure for dealing with professionals who do not meet the standards expected of them.
Benefits to the Public
  • Members of the public will now have greater confidence in the profession. They will know that social care workers standing and qualifications have been independently verified.
Benefits to Service Providers/Employers 
  • Employers can be assured that CORU registered social care workers have:

- Completed formal registration with CORU including (where applicable) recognition of international qualifications.

 - Satisfied the Social Care Workers Registration Board that they are a ‘fit and proper’ person to engage in the practice which is supported by Garda vetting and (where applicable) international police clearance.

  • This in turn will provide an additional layer of critical trust for service users and their families who entrust in service providers.
  • Furthermore, during the first two years of the register opening (grandparenting period), in some instances social care workers will be eligible to apply for registration based on an employer’s opinion as to their proficiency. Here employers will have the opportunity to support their employees to apply for registration.

How This Website Can Help

We have created this dedicated website section to support and guide social care workers, employers, and graduates through the registration process and to share the latest news and events.