CORU’s Top Tips for Applying to have your International Qualification Recognised

CORU is Ireland’s regulator of health and social care professionals and currently has registers open for the following professions:

  • Dietitians
  • Medical Scientists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians
  • Physiotherapists
  • Podiatrists and Chiropodists
  • Radiographers
  • Radiation Therapists
  • Social Workers
  • Speech and Language Therapists

If your professional qualification was awarded outside of Ireland and you want to register and work here, you must first apply to have that qualification “recognised” by the Registration Board for your profession.  

This ensures that everyone providing health and social care services in Ireland meets the standards of proficiency for safe practice in Ireland. 

To be eligible to apply for recognition of your international qualification, you must have completed professional training, which gives you eligibility to practice your profession in the country where you were awarded the qualification.

The Registration Board will assess your qualification as well as any other relevant qualifications and work experience for compliance with the standards required for practising in Ireland.

Every year CORU processes almost 1,000 recognition applications. Here are some of our top tips to help make it as easy as possible for you:

  • Check CORU’s requirements

Before starting the process take some time to learn about CORU and the specific requirements for your profession. You should read the instructions about international qualifications, especially page 10 and make a list of everything you will need. Take special care to pay attention to the Standards of Proficiency to be sure you are presenting all relevant information to demonstrate that you meet the standard required. This is particularly important when setting out your practical professional experience gained on placements.

  • Gather your documents

Once you have a checklist of what we need you should take time to carefully gather this information.

It can take a while to get all your information together. But it is important not to rush or leave anything out. We can only review your application when we have all the information we need.

  • Verify everything

Some of the documents will need to be “verified” by your university and employer and others may need a solicitor, lawyer or notary public to certify them. This is how we know that the documents you send are genuine. You’ll need to arrange this before you send the documents to us, so give yourself time.

  • Be detailed

It is important to share all the information you can. This includes details about you, your qualification, where you did workplace training and any employment information. Remember it is better to send us a document we may not need than to leave something out that is required later.

  • Label documents

Take a few minutes to rename the files you are sending to us. For example, rename files to ‘University Transcript,’ ‘proof of ID’ etc. This helps us process your application quicker.

  • Double check everything

Before you submit your application, review everything again. Make sure you have sent us all the documents we need. Ask a family member or friend to help by double checking.

  • Ask Questions

If you’re unsure about anything ask us before you apply. We are happy to help people with their applications and you can contact us at