Noel Beecher
Noel is a Chartered Accountant and member of the Institute of Directors. He has held senior roles in the public and private sectors and within the accountancy profession. He currently works with the National Transport Authority as Chief Risk Officer, having previously held the roles of Head of Transport Investment and Manager of the Rural Transport Programme.
Noel worked for a number of years with Transport Infrastructure Ireland in the development and management of major infrastructural projects. As Chief Executive Officer, Noel managed ECCU Assurance Company Limited, the life assurance company of the credit union movement in Ireland. He held the role of Director and Chief Financial Officer for Mercer in Ireland and its associated companies and spent a number of years with PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Noel has experience in the voluntary sector having held the roles of Chairperson, Director and Chairperson of the Audit and Risk Committee in a number of organisations involved in areas including healthcare, housing, education and training. He is currently a member of the governing body and chairs the audit and risk committee of Technological University Dublin.